Evening Routine Songs

created by flyingtoasters
Songs to help with evening routine tasks to get ready and into bed. Note: Lyrics, art, and music were generated by Artificial Intelligence.
1. Clean Your Room (eve)05:39
2. Make Your Bed Song03:47
3. Brushing Teeth Bedtime Song02:59
4. Get Dressed in Pajamas Song03:09
5. Brush Your Hair Song (eve)03:52
6. Clean Up Your Room and Make Your Bed (eve)03:20
7. Clean Up Your Room and Make Your Bed (eve) (alt)03:17
8. Make Your Bed Song (alt)04:00
9. Get Dressed in Pajamas Song (alt)03:09
10. Brush Your Hair Song (eve) (alt)03:23
11. Brushing Teeth Bedtime Song (alt)03:09